10 Essential website components for a successful business

A successful website is not the most creative or nice-looking one. A successful website is one with a growing number of visitors that stay on the website for a longer time and convert. Whether you have an online e-commerce business, construction or healthcare company, or just a personal blog, your website should have the essential website components to ensure its success.

1. Reliable Web Hosting Service

The first thing to consider when thinking about creating a website is a web hosting service. It makes it possible for your website to be viewed on the Internet and stores a set of files and folders that you have in the backend. Web hosting services also provide good customer service, high-speed internet connection, and support. Without a reliable web hosting service, your website might have regular downtimes, poor performance, and hence, a bad user experience. Therefore, it is crucial to choose a reliable and trustworthy hosting service.

2. Content Management System

Another crucial website component is the Content Management System (CMS). It works on the backend and enables you to create, organize, maintain and manage various parts of your website.

A good CMS allows you to easily manage your website and ensure that it corresponds to the latest tendencies. It should give you enough freedom to change the content quickly and easily or add new functionalities. The market is abundant with different content management systems. They vary from free to absolutely custom-made to match the requirements of your business.

Depending on the kind of CMS, you can have basic or more sophisticated features that will make you the master of your website. A good CMS is essential for creating the pages you want or later removing pages you do not need.

3. SEO Basics

You can build a stunning website with all the components of success web, but it is all in vain if the users cannot find it on Google. Ranking on the first pages of Google gives your website visibility and increases the number of visitors. Therefore, you need to implement SEO basics and optimize your website with the best SEO practices to compete for the leading positions on Google pages.

Ranking well on Google depends on more than 200 hundred factors, and honestly, nobody can list all of them. However, there are SEO basics you need to consider to give your website visibility a boost. It includes mobile-friendly optimization, loading time optimization, widgets to implement, a good URL structure, high-quality content, interlinking, and more.

4. Website analytics tool

Following your website performance is crucial. By implementing analytical tools, you can monitor and measure your performance to optimize it better. You can see how your traffic changes, how users use the website, how well different elements convert, and more. The most popular, insightful, and easy-to-use tool is Google Analytics that can help you evaluate and optimize your marketing and content strategy, analyze traffic sources, see user behavior, and more.

5. Sitemap

Another must-have component of a web page is a sitemap. It serves two purposes that are very important for the success of your website. It lists the most important pages of your website and makes it easier for users to navigate and find pages they are looking for. At the same time, a sitemap is very helpful for the search engines to locate every webpage in the website structure and index it faster; Which is crucial for ranking on Google. When you have a sitemap, you can get crawled and indexed by Google bots more easily and quickly.

6. Mobile-Friendly Template and Theme

Having mobile-friendly templates and themes was once an advantage, but today it is one of the basic components of the website. Without it, your website will lose a sizable amount of traffic and a chance of ranking on top pages of Google.

Generally, your website should be compatible with all kinds of devices and screen sizes. But being mobile-friendly is crucial. As statistics show, more people search on smartphones today, and the numbers are growing. Hence, you need to ensure to provide a good mobile experience to your users, otherwise, they will leave your website and never come back.

 7. Expected sections

There are few elements that should be on every website. For example, a user will most probably check the "about us" page and be confused if they will not find one. "About Us," "Contact Us," and similar pages are components that users expect to see on the website. In addition to this, different industries might have other expected elements. For example, if you view an e-commerce website, you expect to have a section where you add liked items to purchase later. Missing such elements can give your website a feeling that something is not right, which is not an impression you want to leave on your visitors.

8. Clear CTAs

Every website has an objective. It might be different for various websites. For example, you might want your visitors to purchase an item, read a blog, watch a video, download an e-book, fill out the contact form, leave an email address for the newsletter, call your store or visit it. Often, you want to reach few different objectives. This is why a call to action (CTA) buttons are the essential components of good web content. With clear, well-placed CTAs, you can direct your visitors to the desired action and get more conversions.

9. Contact Form

Another basic component of a website is a contact form and contact information page. Depending on your business, a contact information page might be enough. However, if you have a B2B website, a contact form is a must. It allows prospective clients to contact you directly, include their own contact information, and provide more details about their inquiry. It will increase the likelihood of the users contacting your business and then converting to clients.

10. Social Media Links and Integration

Being on social media gives credibility to your company and helps you with brand awareness. You do not need to have company pages on every platform, but you need to be where your potential customers will be searching for businesses like yours. Integrating your social media accounts on your website will help visitors easily check your social media presence. It will also give a sign to Google to automatically associate your pages to your website. These links will help increase your search engine ranking chances.

Ensure the success of your website

These are the basic parts of a website, but there's so much more to consider. Contact our web development specialists to develop a website for your business. Our consultants will find the tailor-made solution that fits your business needs the best.

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