Cloud-based custom web application for file-sharing that helps companies manage personnel and contractor compliance risk.
About the client
Marshal is a cloud software startup that aims to help companies manage cost, risk and compliance in their talent supply chain. Project mobilisation and resourcing is a costly, time-consuming process that carries operational and strategic risk, compounded by inefficient access to, and management of, personal data. Marshal solves this problem by creating talent pools of qualified personnel for current and future projects through secure personal data exchange.

The challenge
Marshal approached us with the idea of a custom-based file-sharing application. Its main goal was to create the application that would allow users to create a personal profile and give companies the possibility to build a talent pool and access a full spectrum of role-specific data for ongoing and future projects. Marshal needed a system that would store data and provide uninterrupted service delivery to clients.

The Solution
Flat Rock developed an independent, cloud-based application for storing, sharing, screening and verifying contract-critical documents fast and effectively to ensure seamless employment and compliant, uninterrupted service delivery to clients. Our team came up with the entire solution, based on Azure and used other technologies alongside, to build a bespoke application. We have created the system of categorized folders that can be shared privately or publicly, and that allows clients to respond to new operational challenges and business opportunities quickly and effectively.

Core features & functionalities
The outcome
Flat Rock Technology created the web-application that meets all the requirements of the client and enables it to provide smooth and uninterrupted service delivery to its clients. It offers increased competitive advantage, reduced risks and improved cyber risk mitigation and helps companies improve business resilience.