Flat Rock Technology turns 15 years – here are 15 reasons why we are proud of our growth today

  1. Since our start in 2008, we have successfully partnered with more than 200+ businesses including Brompton, MFG, Marshal, and many more. We never stopped expanding that list and we hope in the next 15 years Flat Rock Technology will be a reliable partner to other big or small businesses across the world.

  2. In the past few years, we have acquired technical competencies and certifications such as Microsoft Gold Competency, ISO 9001, 27001, and ISO 20000, and Cyber Essentials. In our day-to-day job, we strive to work according to the highest business standards in the industry and get the job done in the best way possible.

  3. We have grown our team of now more than 400+ people! This achievement alone speaks for our passion, company culture, and values which grow firmly along with our Flat Rock team. We are beyond happy to have an enormous team of talented professionals who choose to succeed with us every single day.

  4. We are members of local and global organizations and business associations such as BASSCOM, BIMA, and the Hungarian British Business Association - HBBA. These important organizations help us stay closer to businesses and offer new connections and partnerships with other innovative and talented individuals.

  5. We have developed our social and corporate responsibility in terms of regularly calculating our carbon emissions with Carbon Footprint Ltd and taking part in offsetting programs which work towards reducing the effects of the global warming crisis. And make no mistake, we maintain that same responsibility internally across our many office spaces where we educate our people on the importance to recycle and be mindful of everyone’s effect on the environment.

  6. Our team grew and so did our office spaces! We have opened 7 offices across 5 countries so far exceeding the possibilities for new opportunities, staying close to clients, and introducing ourselves to an even bigger pool of talent in every region.

  7. We are often acknowledged for our software solutions and excellent client reviews including those from Clutch and The Manifest. In the last few years, we have received many awards from them ranging from our excellent development work to our custom solutions, qualifications, and best reviews from clients who have already explored our services.

  8. We support young talents with education programs, taking part in universities’ master classes, and open days for recruiting young specialists across the country. Inspiring the young generation of specialists and educating our staff through the weekly knowledge classes we conduct is the foundation of our company. Continuous growth doesn’t happen overnight and we know this from experience. It is at the core of our business to stay awake, educated, and curious about the knowledge available to us and deliver the best results to our partners.

  9. We created over 1000+ successful business solutions and the goal is to see that number spike tremendously in the upcoming 15+ years as well. For that to happen, we promise to keep our dedication to serving our clients with solutions tailored to their specific business demands.

  10. We strive to always stay competitive in the ever-changing technology industry and deliver results that have proved to work for businesses all over the world. This means introducing our teams to new technologies, platforms and overall opportunities to best achieve our goals for each new project.

  11. We aim to follow a transparent social policy, resulting in consistent informative posts in our blog, sharing about the company’s recent news and achievements, and mirroring that across all our social media channels. This helped us grow our audience online and reach new people who often found Flat Rock to be the company they would love to work with.

  12.  Our list of social benefits continues to expand as we regularly search for exciting new deals and discounts to offer our colleagues. Our company catalog presents to our team the many advantages of working with us.

  13.  We support each employee’s professional upbringing from their very start at the company whether through individual or group training, earning new certifications, and celebrating their achievements throughout the years.  We hold dear the work anniversaries of our long-standing team members and celebrate their success with them.

  14.  We work towards broadening our social culture by organizing regular coffee events, and monthly birthday office celebrations for our team members. We always find a reason to get together and share new memories with the team. You might have seen us on social media during our Oktoberfest feasts, Halloween parties, Pride month, or celebrating any other global holiday in and out of our working spaces.

  15. We deeply value everyone’s opinion here which is why we regularly conduct surveys and ask colleagues internally about future campaigns, social benefits, and charity causes they support and care for. In fact, “care” is one of the four values we recognize as vital for our company culture, and acting as one team remains at the center of our understanding of what a global organization should represent.

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