Flat Rock Technology Becomes Carbon Neutral for the 3rd Year in a Row

Illustration that reads: "Flat Rock Technology Becomes Carbon Neutral for the 3rd Year in a Row."

Flat Rock Technology is delighted to announce that we have been certified as a Carbon Neutral organization for the third year in a row! Approaching our company's fast-paced international growth with immense responsibility, we opted to get audited for our CO2e emissions first in 2020. Carbon Neutral Ltd. has recognized us as Carbon Neutral in 2020, 2021, and now 2022!

Flat Rock Technology's team consists of over 400 employees in five locations. Among other values, what we all share are a passion for technology and an environment-conscious mindset, so we know CO2e emissions' share in the negative effect humans have on the planet. As devoted to minimizing our negative footprint on the environment as we are, the whole Flat Rock Technology team is thrilled that we've been officially certified as Carbon Neutral, taking responsibility and offsetting the footprint we've inevitably left on the environment so far. Let us walk you through the process of the audit and tell you about a methane recovery project in Brazil we're helping finance.

The process of measuring our carbon footprint in 2022

Flat Rock Technology underwent a Carbon Footprint Assessment by Carbon Neutral Ltd. The calculation for our emissions used the 2022 emission factors developed by the Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and the Department for Business, Environment, and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) for reporting emissions. The assessment included analyzing Flat Rock Technology's use of energy, vehicle fuel, business travel, waste, water, and wastewater, and homeworking for the period of January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022. The total emissions were found to be 110 metric tons of CO2e. The assessment was undertaken and assured by Carbon Footprint Ltd. The independent audit team examined the utility bills, travel reports, and fuel receipts provided by our company's various offices and employees.

Going Beyond: Offsetting Our Carbon Footprint

By funding environmental projects all over the world, carbon offsetting allows people and businesses to offset their carbon footprint. It is an essential step in minimizing the negative effect humans have on the environment. We chose to offset our emissions through the Brascarbon Methane Recovery Project BCA BRA 16 (VCS 2998) under the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), making our company carbon neutral.

The purpose of this project is to mitigate and recover animal effluent related greenhouse Gas (GHG) by improving the Animal Waste Management System practices in the confined animal feed operations in the different cities located in Mato Grosso do Sul state, central Brazil.

In Brazil, the agricultural operations related to animal procedures are very wide and grow progressively and intensively to meet the worldwide food demand. Prior to the implementation of the activity, the animal wastewater, which consists of fresh water mixed with manure and urine, accumulated in pits under or beside the barns, and was transported to one open lagoon for evaporation, fed by gravity pipeline systems. The organic material degraded in the primary treatment lagoon produced significant amounts of methane. These systems emit methane (CH4) resulting from an anaerobic decomposition process.

The swine livestock operations create profound environmental consequences, such as greenhouse gas emissions, odor, and water and land contamination that result from storing animal waste. This operation is not sustainable due to its severe environmental pollution.

This project involved the construction of new covered in-ground anaerobic reactors (digesters) that will utilize the organic material currently treated in the wastewater lagoon of the confined animal operations to produce biogas. All manure will be sent daily directly to the digester, not exceeding 24 hours in the barns.

The methane is captured and flared to form CO2, which has a much lower climate impact compared with methane. The plan is to use the flaring to also generate electricity in the future. No electricity will be consumed from the grid. The electrical parts that will be powered by energy will be supplied by solar cells and rechargeable batteries.

The Methane Recovery Project in Brazil answers to a couple of Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations: SDG #3, which is Good Health & Well-Being, and SDG #13 Climate Change.

Our commitment to carbon offsetting and sustainability

In order to guarantee that our estimate of carbon emissions is independently verified and that carbon offset projects adhere to the strictest industry standards, Flat Rock Technology teamed up with Carbon Footprint Ltd., and our partnership now counts three years! Acting as an environment-conscious organization and fully realizing the industrial impact businesses have on our natural setting, Flat Rock Technology ensures the evaluation of its carbon footprint in an open and timely manner.

Our dedication to being carbon neutral for three consecutive years merely reflects our utmost desire to be a part of great global causes and continue our business development sustainably. We vow to lead by example and make the mark we leave behind positive in essence and neutral carbon-wise!

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